Our vintages

Clos du Moulin

Clos du Moulin 2018


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Les derniers millésimes

Clos du Moulin 2017

This year was marked first by frost, which ravaged half of the vineyard while the strands were already well grown in mid-April. This was followed by an intense drought, concentrating all the sun received by the leaves in the remaining grapes. The challenge was to preserve the freshness of our wines and their acidity, which we managed to do and gave us powerful wines while remaining very digestible. A good year, with good aging potential for the great vintages.
Degré : 13,6 %
AT : 3,49
PH : 3,47
Date mise en bouteille : Juin 2019
Médailles / Citations :Liger d'Argent au Salon des Vins de Loire 2020Médaille de Bronze au Salon des Vignerons Indépendants 2020

Clos du Moulin 2018

After a particularly mild winter, a tropical vintage from the beginning of the season until July, followed by magnificent weather during the harvest. A year that we will remember: extremely qualitative, unfortunately marred by a very minimal quantity at the estate because of mildew.
Degré : 14,3 %
AT : 3,42
Date mise en bouteille : Mai 2020
Médailles / Citations :Liger d'Or au Salon des Vins de Loire 2018

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Opening hours: 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Every day from April to October and closed on Sundays from November to March.

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