Our vintages

Les derniers millésimes
Targé traditionnel 2015
Some named it “the vintage of the century” at the time, but it looks like several new vintages entered the competition since then! The spring and the summer were an alternation of rain and hot days, making it the perfect environment for the good maturation of the grapes and leading to a perfect harvest weather. The vines made that year are to be kept for five to ten years to allow them to reveal their full potential.
Degré : 13,0 %
AT : 3,36
PH : 3,56
Date mise en bouteille : July 2016
Targé Tradition 2016
A challenging year with torrential rain until late June, followed by a drought that lasted from July until the end of the harvest. The maturation was slow, very slow, but eventually happened and the grapes were fresh and crunchy when harvested. Turned out to be a great vintage!
Degré : 13,0 %
AT : 3,58
PH : 3,44
Date mise en bouteille : July 2016
Targé Tradition 2017
Twenty seventeen was first characterised by a mid-April frost that devastated half of the vineyard as the sprigs were already quite grown. An intense drought followed, concentrating in the remaining grapes all the sun received by the leaves. The challenge was then to keep the freshness and acidity of our wines, which we managed to do, and it resulted in powerful yet digestible wines. A good year, with a good long-keeping potential for the great cuvées.
Degré : 13,1 %
AT : 3,47
PH : 3,55
Date mise en bouteille : August 2018
Targé Tradition 2018
After a particularly mild winter, the weather felt tropical from the early season and until July, followed by spectacular weather during the harvest. We will remember that year: an extremely high quality, unfortunately marred by a very small production because of a massive mildew attack.
Degré : 13,6 %
AT : 3,52
PH : 3,60
Date mise en bouteille : September 2019
Médailles / Citations :Bronze medal at the Concours de Paris 2020
Targé Tradition 2019
This is a vintage that surprised us in every way. First, three successive frosts caused the buds to curl without almost ever actually freezing them, with only 20% of plots severely affected in early May. This was followed by a pleasant spring and a summer marked by a historic heatwave and drought: almost 60 days without real rain! The grapes were extremely concentrated as the harvest approached, which promised the dreaded imbalance between tannic power and freshness of aromas. Finally, three days before the start of the harvest, heavy rains fell on the vineyard, delaying the harvest and allowing us to finally find our balance. In the end, the harvest was generous and the wine delicious and powerful. A vintage that we can enjoy in its youth, or wait a few years.
Degré : 13,6 %
AT : 4,45
PH : 3,34
Date mise en bouteille : July 2020
Médailles / Citations :16/20 par la Revue des Vins de France en dégustation primeure : "Ne cherchez pas ici la concentration, ni la structure, mais la légerté et la finesse florale. Un vin extrait tout en douceur pour nous ravir dans sa jeunesse. Ce domaine historique fait bouger les lignes."
Targé Tradition 2020
2020 a été marqué par un hiver très doux et une sortie des bourgeons dès la mi-mars, entraînant une avance historique qui nous a poursuivi pendant toute la durée du millésime. Tout l'été a été chaud et très sec, grillant des raisins, mais les pluies de mi-septembre ont totalement transformé ce millésime, permettant de trouver l'équilibre entre l'acidité, le fruit et la structure. C'est une très grande année, dont les vins peuvent être bus rapidement ou être conservés en cave, et qui ravira les palais dans une dizaine d'années. Après trois ans à travailler en respectant le cahier des charges Agriculture Biologique, c'est aussi notre premier millésime officiellement certifié bio.
Degré : 13,6 %
AT : 3,8
PH : 3,32
Date mise en bouteille : Juillet 2020
Médailles / Citations :Médaille d'Or au Concours Général Agricole de ParisMédaille d'Argent au Concours des Vignerons Indépendants