Our vintages

Les derniers millésimes
Cuvée Ferry 2014
This vintage allowed us to finally experience Saumur-Champigny’s characteristic mild weather, with occasional rain and reasonable heat during the spring and summer, and colder temperatures during the harvest. How nice it is to work in familiar conditions! The wines came out with a good tension in the mouth and tannins that soften nicely with the years. We’ve held on to a few bottles so that you can rediscover this vintage after ten years of aging.
Degré : 13,1 %
AT : 3,70
Date mise en bouteille : Septembre 2015
Cuvée Ferry 2015
Some named it “the vintage of the century” at the time, but it looks like several new vintages entered the competition since then! The spring and the summer were an alternation of rain and hot days, making it the perfect environment for the good maturation of the grapes and leading to a perfect harvest weather. The wines made that year are to be kept for five to ten years to allow them to reveal their full potential.
Degré : 13,2 %
AT : 3,47
PH : 3,54
Date mise en bouteille : September 2016
Cuvée Ferry 2016
A very sporty year with torrents of rain until the end of June, followed by a drought that lasted from the end of July until the end of the harvest. Ripening was slow, very slow, but eventually happened and the grapes were fresh and crisp at harvest. A very good vintage in the end!
Cuvée Ferry 2017
This year was marked first by frost, which ravaged half of the vineyard while the strands were already well grown in mid-April. This was followed by an intense drought, concentrating all the sun received by the leaves in the remaining grapes. The challenge was to preserve the freshness of our wines and their acidity, which we managed to do and gave us powerful wines while remaining very digestible. A good year, with good aging potential for the great vintages.
Cuvée Ferry 2018
After a particularly mild winter, a tropical vintage from the beginning of the season until July, followed by magnificent weather during the harvest. A year that we will remember: extremely qualitative, unfortunately marred by a very minimal quantity at the estate due to a massive attack of mildew.
Degré : 13,8 %
AT : 3,95
PH : 3,43
Date mise en bouteille : Février 2020
Cuvée Ferry 2019
Voilà un millésime qui nous a surpris à tous les points de vue. D'abord, trois passages de gel successifs ont fait friser les bourgeons sans presque jamais les geler réellement, avec seulement 20% de parcelles sévèrement touchées début mai. S'en est suivi un printemps agréable et un été marqué par une canicule et une sécheresse historiques : presque 60 jours sans une réelle pluie ! Les raisins étaient extrèmement concentrés à l'approche des vendanges, ce qui promettait le déséquilibre redouté entre puissance tannique et fraîcheur des arômes. Finalement, trois jours avant le lancement des vendanges, de grandes pluies sont venues s'abattre sur le vignoble, retardant les vendanges et permettant de finalement trouvé notre équilibre. Au final, la vendange a été généreuse et le vin gourmand et puissant. Un millésime que nous pouvons apprécier dans sa jeunesse, ou attendre quelques années.
Degré : 13,6 %
AT : 4,7
PH : 3,2
Date mise en bouteille : Décembre 2021